live out

live outlive out1.不住在工作〔学习〕的地方Most of the students prefer to live out.大多数学生情愿住在校外。Students can live out if they wish.如果学生们愿意, 他们可在学院外寄宿。2.度过(某一段时间); 过(某种生活)Will the old man live out the month?那老人熬得过这个月吗?The patient lived out another month.病人又活了一个月。Don't bother me, O.K.? Just let me live out my life in peace and in private.别打扰我了, 好不好?就让我一个人安安宁宁地度过后半辈子吧。

live out1.[美国英语](学生)不住校;(佣工)不住在雇主家里;(店员)住在店外;外宿:Whether you live in or live out is entirely up to you.住校不住校全由你定。Some workers live out.有些工人住在厂外。2.活过(某一段时间);消磨(时间):The patient wished that he could live out another month.病人希望他能多活一个月。3.实践…;身体力行:That will give her a chance to live out her wild fantasies.那将会使她有机会实践自己的狂想。
